Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals
Vinton County Agrees to Stop Shooting Dog
We have a victory for the animals.
UPDATE: 3/25/2002
The Vinton County Commissioners announced today, March 25, 2002, that no more dogs will be shot in Vinton County. Dog Warden Gary Barber has resigned effective today March 25. Ohio SPCA wants to thank everyone for writing and calling. This is a victory for the animals. We hope to see other major improvements in the way Vinton County Animal Control deals with homeless dogs. Ohio SPCA will continue to offer our help to the Vinton County Commissioners and to the new Dog Warden. This is a beginning in making Ohio a safe place for homeless animals. Please continue helping us and supporting our efforts. It takes all of us working together!
On Monday, March 18, Peggy Schroeder, our Vinton County Coordinator, reported that the freezer was full of blood-covered dogs that had been shot in the head and a bag of puppies. Behind the shelter were pools of blood where the dogs were tied to a fence and shot. The media was alerted and arrived without warning the next morning. We are convinced that this barbaric practice can be stopped in Ohio. Vinton County is not alone.
Ohio SPCA Pound Reform Facebook page -https://www.facebook.com/OhioSpcaCountyPoundReform?ref=hl