Ohio's Leading Voice for the Animals

On February 16th, 2013, the OHIO SPCA removed the old gas chamber at the Highland County Dog Pound. The gas chamber had NOT been used since 2009, but its existence served as a sad reminder to staff and volunteers of the countless dogs that suffered and died inside it. As members of the OHIO SPCA Response Team moved the gas chamber out of the dog pound, the harsh reality of death in a gas box was in full view. Gas boxes are dirty little secrets often hid in back rooms or closets. We thank the Highland County Commissioners for granting our request that the gas chamber finally be removed from their dog pound.
After the gas chamber was loaded onto a trailer, the OHIO SPCA replaced it with a beautiful washer and dryer set. The volunteers will no longer have to take soiled bedding and towels home to wash. A HUGE THANK YOU to Karen Hutzel for donating the washer and dryer to the OHIO SPCA and for being a part of our work for the animals!
The OHIO SPCA is thrilled to have been able to help the wonderful volunteers at the Highland County Dog Pound. Their dedication and hard work has resulted in hundreds of dogs being adopted and sent to rescues. They are saving lives! Every county dog shelter needs such a group. Please visit and like their Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/highlandcountydogpoundvolunteerprogram?fref=ts
The OHIO SPCA is determined to see the end of gassing in 2013. All remaining gas chambers must be dismantled and removed.

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