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Help animals with your Ohio license plate!


Pet overpopulation is a heartbreaking problem. You can be a part of the solution when you purchase a Pet, Dog, or Cat Friendly Ohio license plate.


Proceeds from the sale of the plates will go to the Ohio Pet Fund, a nonprofit corporation. Money in the fund is used to support programs for the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats for adoption from Ohio shelters and nonprofit organizations, and for those pets whose owners are unable to afford its cost.


Ohio Pet Fund



Purchase an Ohio's Horses license plate and help equines in need!


When you choose to purchase the Equine (Ohio’s Horses) license plate, you will be helping with the growing challenge of unwanted horses in Ohio.  


Ohio BMV


A portion of the fees collected, $20.00, will benefit horses in need around the state; including horses coming off the race tracks and those that are abandoned, abused or neglected.  Funds will also be used for owner education and scholarships.  To apply for grants visit


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